Lilja Katanka, AAC, BAF, Acupuncturist
As a medical clinic, we will remain open during lockdown to provide vital medical services to clients. Our clinic is open at reduced hours and by appointment only for medical services and medical supplies only.
Reopening with care
to treat you safely and thoughtfully post lockdown
Now open for treatments!
Updated Dec 2021
I am continuing to offer appointments for medical and healthcare purposes- and now luxury or cosmetic treatments are available too. Many people are doing their best to avoid going to the GP or hospital, and acupuncture can be a fantastic way of supporting people's mental and physical health, and relieving pain so that conditions improve or do not worsen during this time.
Many people have been directly affected by the virus and the last 2 years in various ways, and I have been keeping on top of the research in terms of how this particular virus and treatments seem to be affecting people from a TCM perspective, so that I am well placed to treat people for the after effects. Many people have been affected more indirectly- anxiety, fear and uncertainty are a huge factor affecting our wellbeing in current times, and the potential trauma associated with this, or triggered by current events and situations are having a significant impact on us and our communities. I know that Holistic Acupuncture is truly well placed to support individuals through all these areas of disequilibrium.
Things will be a bit different:
✨I will be wearing a N95 mask while treating you face up or when in close contact. Patients are no longer required to wear a mask- but of course are welcome to if they prefer :) If you prefer I wear a mask for the whole appointment do let me know.
✨I will ask people to use hand sanitiser on entry. As always, I will be washing my hands before and after sessions, and sanitising hands before and after any contact with you or surfaces.
✨To reduce close contact time there will be maximum15 minutes face to face time within 2m in your appointment, to reduce any potential transmission.
✨There will still be gaps between patients to allow for airing out the room and cleaning everything down thoroughly, and to reduce chances for people don't pass eachother.
✨You may wish to bring your own towels or blankets- I'm trying to get the best balance of comfort and hygiene while minimising unnecessary waste and disposables.
✨I have gone paperless to avoid cross contamination and reduce waste- you will need to fill in an intake form and a screening form before coming in to confirm neither you or anyone you live with have Covid-19 symptoms. Please read the confirmation emails and reminders thoroughly for updated details- including regarding Track and Trace.
✨If you are having the Covid 19 vaccine please wait at least 1 week after your jab before coming for treatment in case of side effects, and do let me know when you come in.
✨If you can also please go to the bathroom before coming that would be helpful!
Appointments are getting booked up, so please do book in advance rather than waiting to the last minute! Especially important for time dependent treatment such as fertility and pregnancy treatments.
Can we kindly ask that if you are contacted by Track and Trace and have to provide a list of your contacts, that you list a visit to see me as a HEALTHCARE contact and not a Social contact.
If a visit to us is listed as Healthcare, it means that I may not have to self-isolate if they are then contacted by track and trace.
This is really important to us all, as further time away from work, after a long period of lockdown, can be financially crippling.
I would of course be self-isolating if I develop any symptoms, have a raised temperature or feel unwell, but PLEASE list me as a HEALTHCARE contact.
I will be making everything clear before you come in, but please get in touch with any concerns or questions.
I look forward to seeing you!
I hope you are all keeping well. 🙏😊